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For as long as I can remember, I have been chasing my creativity. It is a need for continuous growth and a desire to conquer every idea I encounter. I thrive on experimentation and the discovery that comes along with it. Rather than perfectly rendering details, I sketch prolificly. Photography is merely the 'hello' that allows me to engage in conversations with my subjects.

And Beyond

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When combined with digital manipulation, the result is a singularly unique piece of art which becomes a memory of the original moment—crafted as I want to remember it. Settling somewhere between the camera and a paintbrush, my work is suffused with dramatic contrasts and intensely rich color. I have an insatiable love for texture and layering, as well as a relentless attraction to the playful qualities of light and reflection.

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When photographing children, the uniqueness of every moment and every expression leads to unexpected (and rewarding) results time and time again. No two images are ever the same because no two children are ever alike. All are works of art in constant motion.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”  



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